VMware Horizon: Install, Configure, Manage (V7) - On Demand.

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40 Unterrichtseinheiten
Seminarnummer: 26748
Herstellernummer: VM-HICMV7_OD
This course gives you the skills to deliver virtual desktops and applications through a single virtual desktop infrastructure platform.


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Technical personnel who work in the IT departments of end-customer companies and people who are responsible for the delivery of remote or virtual desktop services


Customers attending this course should have at a minimum the following VMware infrastructure skills:
  • Use VMware vSphere® Web Client to view the state of virtual machines, datastores, and networks
  • Open a virtual machine console on VMware vCenter Server® and access the guest operating system
  • Create snapshots of virtual machines
  • Configure guest customization specifications
  • Modify virtual machine properties
  • Convert a virtual machine into a template
  • Deploy a virtual machine from a template
Attendees should have at a minimum the following Microsoft Windows system administration experience:
  • Configure Active Directory services, including DNS, DHCP, and time synchronization
  • Restrict users activities by implementing Group Policy objects
  • Configure Windows systems to allow Remote Desktop Connections
  • Build an ODBC connection to an SQL Server database

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