Informationstechnologien & IT-Sicherheit

Information Security-Awareness WBT -EN-.

  • Seminar
  • E-Learning
  • Jederzeit verfügbar
  • 1 Unterrichtseinheiten
  • Teilnahmebescheinigung
  • Online durchführbar
Seminarnummer: 31183

Information Security is more important than ever as it represents real values and important insights.

The availability, security and integrity of information are indispensable in today's professional and private world. They provide knowledge, insights, new business opportunities, and support innovation and competitive advantage. This training informs and sensitizes you to the correct handling of information.


This training will familiarize you with the importance of information in the private and business environment. Learn about information security threats and potential attackers. You will also receive helpful information on how you can effectively support your company in the handling of information and security and will become more sensitive.


  • In principle, anyone who wants to raise awareness about the importance of information security in business and private information exchange and in the use of digital communication media.
  • In particular, all persons who use digital terminals and communication media in a business environment (both in the office and on the road or in the home office), and do have to comply with security regulations and policies.
  • Cross-industry


  • What is information security about?
  • Information and its handling in everyday life
  • Where risks come from
  • Information security as a team task
  • Information security in everyday professional life
  • Classifications of information
  • Safety rules and instructions
  • The core of all information security systems
  • Recommendations for action
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29,00 € Nettopreis (zzgl. MwSt.)
34,51 € Bruttopreis (inkl. MwSt.)
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