Artifical intelligence (AI) applications such as ChatGPT by OpenAI or MS Copilot are spreading rapidly in all areas of the economy. This results in previously unimagined opportunities for generating revenue and increasing efficiency, but also poses challenges, particularly in the area of AI compliance (e.g. AI Act, copyright, data protection, AI Act). This seminar is also offered in German: KI-Compliance. Rechtliche Einschätzungen.
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You will gain an overview of the opportunities and risks of using AI-driven applications (e.g. ChatGPT by OpenAI...).
You will learn about the criteria for selecting AI-driven applications.
You will learn about compliance risks with regard to data protection, copyright, EU AI Regulation ("AI Act"), etc. and how to avoid them.
Managers and specialists involved in the planning and implementation of digital projects and processes; Managers and specialists in the areas of law, compliance and data protection; Marketing experts and content creators.
Inhalte des Seminars
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Definition of "artificial intelligence" and "machine learning"
Market overview and application examples (e.g- ChatGPT by OpenAI...)
The EU General AI Regulation ("AI Act")
Challenges under data protection law
Challenges under copyright law
Liability issues (damages, product liability, general compliance)
Future general impact of AI-driven applications on the business and working world
KI-Verordnung, Urheberrecht, KI Datenschutz. Herausforderungen im Compliancebereich durch KI-getriebene Anwendungen.
13 Termine verfügbar
8 Unterrichtseinheiten
690,00 €Nettopreis (zzgl. MwSt.)
821,10 €Bruttopreis (inkl. MwSt.)
Fachlich kompetente Referenten für Ihr Weiterkommen.
>1000 Seminare
Praxisnahe Seminare und individuelle Weiterbildungen aus 72 Themengebieten.
Die unabhängige Bestätigung Ihrer erworbenen Qualifikation.
725,00 €Nettopreis (zzgl. MwSt.)
862,75 €Bruttopreis (inkl. MwSt.)
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Die Preise verstehen sich bei Unternehmern gem. § 14 BGB zzgl. MwSt. Der dargestellte Ab-Preis entspricht dem niedrigsten verfügbaren Gesamtpreis pro Person. Alle Preisdetails finden Sie im jeweiligen Veranstaltungstermin.