Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions, On Demand 20532

Zurzeit keine Termine
40 Unterrichtseinheiten
Seminarnummer: 29463
Herstellernummer: OD20532
This On Demand online course is intended for students who have experience building ASP.NET and C# applications. Students will also have experience with the Microsoft Azure platform and a basic understanding of the services offered.


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The candidates targeted by this training have basic experience in implementing and monitoring Microsoft Azure solutions. Candidates are also proficient with the development tools, techniques, and approaches used to build application solutions.


In addition to their professional experience, students must have experience working with the Azure platform. They will also have a general understanding of C# concepts for the lab scenario. Candidates experience can include:
  • Compare the services available in the Azure platform
  • Configure and deploy web applications
  • Creating Azure Web Apps from the gallery
  • Deploying and monitoring Azure Web Apps
  • Creating and configuring Azure Virtual Machines
  • Create and manage a storage account
  • Manage blobs and containers in a storage account
  • Create, configure, and connect to a SQL Databases instance
  • Identify the implications of importing a SQL standalone database
  • Manage users, groups, and subscriptions in an Azure Active Directory instance
  • Create a virtual network
  • Implement a point-to-site network

Inhalte des Seminars

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Wichtige Hinweise

MOC On Demand Trainings sind original Microsoft Trainings, in denen Sie zeit- und ortsungebunden lernen können. Diese Trainings enthalten:
  • Zugang zum offiziellen Microsoft Video on Demand Kurs für 90 Tage ab dem ersten Zugriff.
  • Einen Lab-Online-Zugang für praktische Übungen, der ab Kauf 6 Monate gültig ist.
  • Eine originale MOC Schulungsunterlage in digitaler Form, wie sie auch in den Live-Trainings eingesetzt wird.
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  • Vor Ort für mehrere Mitarbeiter/innen
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