NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety.

  • Seminar
  • E-Learning
  • Jederzeit verfügbar
  • 450 Unterrichtseinheiten
  • Zertifikat
  • Online durchführbar
Seminarnummer: 05719

Develop in-depth knowledge and skills in the field of occupational health and drive safety excellence.

The industry-leading NEBOSH International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety is a high-level qualification that prepares you for the future. You will expand your skills related to health and safety protocols, develop industry knowledge and proactively raise safety standards in your company.


Develop leadership skills in the area of health and safety with the NEBOSH Diploma Program. This program will enable you to:
  • Assess health and safety policies within the workplace
  • Manage or control aspects of health and safety, and implement practices to reduce risks
  • Establish yourself as competent health and safety professional





The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) Diploma is a high-level qualification. It is for people already working in the health and safety domain, wanting to enhance their competence, like:
  • Health and safety managers, advisors or officers
  • Compliance managers
  • Training coordinators
  • Quality, risk and environmental workers
  • Engineers
  • Consultants
  • Directors


There are no formal entry requirements. But you will need to know the foundations of health and safety including how to carry out risk assessments, investigate incidents and need to have good writing skills and be able to critically analyse information.

We recommend you take the NEBOSH General Certificate before taking the NEBOSH Diploma or have five years of experience working in a health and safety role. That way you will have the right level of knowledge to meet the demands of the course.


Course consists of 3 units:

  • DN/DI1: Workplace health and safety principles
  • DN/DI2: Controlling workplace health issues
  • DN/DI3: Controlling workplace safety issues

Each unit is assessed by awritten assignment.


Below you will find a course preview/demo access:

NEBOSH courses are offered in association with Astutis Ltd

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2.570,00 € Nettopreis (zzgl. MwSt.)
3.058,30 € Bruttopreis (inkl. MwSt.)
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